Lesson 4: Treaty and Reparations

This lesson will guide students through the process of reparations and encourage them to consider questions of justice as it relates to acts of war and genocide. It will build off of the discussions and understandings from the previous lessons in order to assess the appropriate response to the Sand Creek Massacre. The students will analyze the Little Arkanasas Treaty of 1865, which provided reparations for the Sand Creek Massacre, and discuss questions of justice as it relates to genocide and war. The discussion will connect to the broader theme of reparations and reflect on the United States' attitude toward reparations and indigenous communities. This lesson is planned to take 2 days. However, if you are pressed for time, give preference to the first activity of reparations/ treaty-making, as it is a particularly insightful exercise for demonstrating their understanding of the massacre and encouraging them to tackle difficult questions related to justice and war. Allow for dissent and debate in class discussions during this activity.